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About Us


Our Purpose

At Book Review HQ, our purpose is to bridge the gap between authors and reviewers by offering a platform for eBook reviews. We aim to cultivate a community where we help each other to reach higher rankings in our Amazon categories.

How it all began

In late 2023, I signed up for Sophie Howard’s “Blue Sky” Amazon Seller course and eagerly dove into learning how to create and self-publish books on the Kindle Direct Publishing platform. The learning curve was steep, but the training modules and weekly sessions were straightforward and helped me get my first book published quickly. However, I faced challenges in gathering reviews for my eBooks since I didn't have a large social or family network to rely on. I even tried the Facebook group, but few members were willing to leave reviews, which felt like a missed opportunity for what could be an amazing resource if we just helped each other out.


Since reviews play a crucial role in boosting a book's rank on Amazon, I explored paid review services, but those turned out to be costly and offered little value in return. Frustrated, I realized I needed a better solution. With my background in IT, I decided to design a platform that Sophie’s “Blue Sky” graduates, like myself, could use solely to get reviews for their eBooks.


After some time spent figuring out the needs of authors and reviewers, sorting out the technical requirements, hiring developers, and designing the site, Book  Review HQ came to life - just like that (with a playful wink)!


Wishing you great success and an abundance of reviews!

Debbie Atherton

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